OpenTelemetry Metrics Format

The OpenTelemetry receiver supports ingesting agent metrics by meter-system. The OAP can load the configuration at bootstrap. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the OAP may fail to start up. The files are located at $CLASSPATH/otel-rules.

Supported handlers:

Notice: Set SW_OTEL_RECEIVER=default through system environment or change receiver-otel/selector=${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER:default} to activate the OpenTelemetry receiver.

The rule file should be in YAML format, defined by the scheme described in MAL. Note: receiver-otel only supports the group, defaultMetricLevel, and metricsRules nodes of the scheme due to its push mode.

To activate the otlp handler and relevant rules of istio:

  selector: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER:default}
    enabledHandlers: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_HANDLERS:"otlp-metrics"}
    enabledOtelMetricsRules: ${SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OTEL_METRICS_RULES:"istio-controlplane"}

The receiver adds label with key node_identifier_host_name to the collected data samples, and its value is from (or for some OTLP versions) resource attributes defined in OpenTelemetry proto, for identification of the metric data.

Description Configuration File Data Source
Metrics of Istio Control Plane otel-rules/istio-controlplane.yaml Istio Control Plane -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of SkyWalking OAP server itself otel-rules/oap.yaml SkyWalking OAP Server(SelfObservability) -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Linux OS otel-rules/vm.yaml prometheus/node_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Windows OS otel-rules/windows.yaml prometheus-community/windows_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of K8s cluster otel-rules/k8s/k8s-cluster.yaml K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of K8s cluster otel-rules/k8s/k8s-node.yaml cAdvisor & K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of K8s cluster otel-rules/k8s/k8s-service.yaml cAdvisor & K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of MYSQL otel-rules/mysql/mysql-instance.yaml prometheus/mysqld_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of MYSQL otel-rules/mysql/mysql-service.yaml prometheus/mysqld_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of PostgreSQL otel-rules/postgresql/postgresql-instance.yaml prometheus-community/postgres_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of PostgreSQL otel-rules/postgresql/postgresql-service.yaml prometheus-community/postgres_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Apache APISIX otel-rules/apisix.yaml apisix prometheus plugin -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of AWS Cloud EKS otel-rules/aws-eks/eks-cluster.yaml AWS Container Insights Receiver -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of AWS Cloud EKS otel-rules/aws-eks/eks-service.yaml AWS Container Insights Receiver -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of AWS Cloud EKS otel-rules/aws-eks/eks-node.yaml AWS Container Insights Receiver -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Elasticsearch otel-rules/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cluster.yaml prometheus-community/elasticsearch_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Elasticsearch otel-rules/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-index.yaml prometheus-community/elasticsearch_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Elasticsearch otel-rules/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-node.yaml prometheus-community/elasticsearch_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Redis otel-rules/redis/redis-service.yaml oliver006/redis_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Redis otel-rules/redis/redis-instance.yaml oliver006/redis_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of RabbitMQ otel-rules/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cluster.yaml rabbitmq-prometheus -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of RabbitMQ otel-rules/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-node.yaml rabbitmq-prometheus -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of MongoDB otel-rules/mongodb/mongodb-cluster.yaml percona/mongodb_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of MongoDB otel-rules/mongodb/mongodb-node.yaml percona/mongodb_exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Kafka otel-rules/kafka/kafka-cluster.yaml prometheus/jmx_exporter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of Kafka otel-rules/kafka/kafka-broker.yaml prometheus/jmx_exporter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of ClickHouse otel-rules/clickhouse/clickhouse-instance.yaml ClickHouse(embedded prometheus endpoint) -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of ClickHouse otel-rules/clickhouse/clickhouse-service.yaml ClickHouse(embedded prometheus endpoint) -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of RocketMQ otel-rules/rocketmq/rocketmq-cluster.yaml rocketmq-exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of RocketMQ otel-rules/rocketmq/rocketmq-broker.yaml rocketmq-exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server
Metrics of RocketMQ otel-rules/rocketmq/rocketmq-topic.yaml rocketmq-exporter -> OpenTelemetry Collector – OTLP exporter –> SkyWalking OAP Server