How to use the Docker images
Start the storage, OAP and UI with docker-compose
As a quick start, you can use our one-line script to start ElasticSearch or BanyanDB as the storage, OAP server and UI, please make sure you have installed Docker.
bash <(curl -sSL
You will be prompted to choose the storage type, and then the script will start the backend cluster with the selected storage.
To tear down the cluster, run the following command:
docker compose --project-name=skywalking-quickstart down
Start a standalone
container with H2
docker run --name oap --restart always -d apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.0.0
Start a standalone
container with ElasticSearch 7 as storage whose address is elasticsearch:9200
docker run --name oap --restart always -d -e SW_STORAGE=elasticsearch -e SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES=elasticsearch:9200 apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.0.0
We could set up environment variables to configure this image. They are defined in backend-setup.
Extend image
If you intend to override or add config files in /skywalking/config
, /skywalking/ext-config
is the location for you to put extra files.
The files with the same name will be overridden; otherwise, they will be added to /skywalking/config
If you want to add more libs/jars into the classpath of OAP, for example, new metrics for OAL. These jars can be mounted into /skywalking/ext-libs
, then
bash will append them into the classpath. Notice, you can’t override an existing jar in classpath.